International Community Policing Award-2009

International Community Policing Award-2009
International Community Policing Award-2009

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aspirations (Fight Against Terrorism)

Terrorism is growing in an alarming condition than ever. To combat terrorism activities in the state, Kochi City Police is conducting an aggressive campaign against terrorism, which lasts for a year. Starting from the grass root level, City Police has started an awareness campaign on New Year 2009 and declared 2009 as Anti Terrorism Year.

Aspirations, a Mega campaign by Kochi City Police against terrorism was started by a Mega Event based on National Integration and urging the needs of an anti Terrorism scenario, celebrities from different walks of life united together for this mega campaign. The show was conducted portraying the ill effects of terrorism in an artistic way, by means of Skits, Dance, Songs, Messages and proclaimed the needs of the union of the Kochiites against this massive disaster. People from all walks of life united together to pray for those who were killed in recent times by terrorism activities. A prayer was held in the presence of lighted candle in the hands of all who were present at the show.

“Be vigilant- Report any susceptive Terrorism Activity”:

This was the campaign slogan of Kochi City Police to make people aware of Terrorism.

An anti Terrorism Toll Free Helpline No. 9656000100 was launched on the day for the public for reporting any suspicious terrorist activity. The people were asked to trust their instincts and pass on information about any unusual activity or behavior to the confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline number. One phone call could contain a piece of vital information which could help disrupt terrorist planning and save lives. Posters and leaflets against Terrorism proclaiming the ill effects of terrorism was published by Kochi City Police, and distributed among the general public.

A Music Album was also released on the occasion proclaiming the ill effects of terrorism and urging the needs to unite against terrorism, to create a terror free world. This album was later shown in the major residential areas of Kochi City.

Members of the Residential Associations united for the noble cause. Detailed information of the residents of each area was collected by the Residential Association members and handed over to Police from time to time.

There was active support from print and channel media and also from the FM Radios to run the massive campaign advertisements seeking to raise awareness of some of the items/activities which may be needed by, or be of use to, terrorists. Anti Terrorism Campaign Hoardings was put up in the main junctions of the city.

Each month, analysis meetings are conducted with officials and representatives from all sectors of the society for analyzing the status quo of the conditions prevailing in the city and will also discuss of the security measures.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful effort of Kochi city police. Hopefully this would be spread all over Kerala soon and we can prove to the world , this land is the real “ gods own country ”

    Antony Felix
